The Stockade Boma at Abercorn in 1893. Constructed by Consul Hugh Marshall, it stood on the left bank of the Lucheche Stream facing down stream with its front gate facing the old Stevenson Road. Later this road ran to St Paul's Mission. It used to wind down to Katuta Bay in Lake Tanganyika where the African Lakes Corporation had a depot. The site is some 2 to 3km north of the Old Prison near what used to be called the Boma Gardens. There should be the remains of a large high roofed house nearby.
This circa 1904 post card is surely the first pictorial card from Northern Rodesia. It shows the old road in Abercorn with the first Post Office and other buildings on the right. This was on the NW side of Cemetry Hill. The remains of these offices can still be found in 2018 some 200ms from the southern side of the Pioneer’s Cemetery opposite the side entrace. They need protecting form cultivation that is encrouching on them. The card was sent by Baron Rhoeder a member of Lt Graetz’s motor party during their trip from Dar-es-Salaam to Windhoek. Courtesy Carsten Möhle of Bwana Tucke Tucke Safaris.
Abercorn's first Post Office. Jim McNeil, the telegraphist and
Post Master was appointed in 1899 by the African
Transcontinental Telegraph Service that had pushed through a telegraph line from the south.
Photo courtesy Stewart and Liz White.
The first Post Master Jim McNeil on he steps of the First Post Office in Abercorn. This was probably on "Cemetery" hill over looking Lake Chila. Jim McNeil a Man of Africa, recorded images of his time there through his beautiful drawings, photograph, caricatures of local residents and his diaries.
Courtesy Stewart and Liz White.
Consul Hugh Marshall and his dog at his residence in Abercorn. This is an interesting image in that it appears to show him in the garden of the mystery building that was also named the Boma.
The African Lakes Corporation Mandala Store in Abercorn was the probably the first two storey structure in what became the Northern Province. There was accomodation for the Manager and staff on the upper floor. The height of the building was subsequently reduced because of the risk from earth tremours. This building is still standing across the road from the T.V.M.I and diagonally opposite the Post Office. The roof has just in Nov. 2018 painted a good shade of green.
A 1906 photo of the 1902 T.V.M.I. building on the left with the African Lakes Corporation two storied house behind the family group. Note the wide Medan between these buildings and the Post Office which would have been to the right. Photo by Jim McNeil Post Master.
The fortified Abercorn Jail in 1915. Note: this is not the present Old Prison but was uphill across the road to Lake Chila. © Malcolm Alexander; From Ulendo: Claude’s African Journey into War and Passion, see
Abercorn Jail in 1915 showing the tower and the defences on the roof. Photo Marshall collection, Livingstone Museum.
The Ruins of abercorn Jail in 1915 after German shelling. These ruins were still visible in the 1950s as a pile of broken bricks and raised earth. © Malcolm Alexander; From Ulendo: Claude’s African Journey into War and Passion, see
Abercorn Block House and Hospital 1915.
© Malcolm Alexander;
· From Ulendo: Claude’s African Journey into War and Passion, see
This is a curious image as the building is not identifiable and we have no reference to a war time hospital in Abercorn. It may be the war time hospital in Old Fife or it may be that the Commissioner’s residence was defended in this way
The site of the first original Abercorn Prison. This predates the existing Old Prison Museum that is across the main road that goes down to Lake Chila. This site is about opposite the Police Station. It was fortified in 1914 and defended Abercorn during the 1915 German attack. This phot was taken in the early 1960s.
Native Commisioner's House Abercorn. This house is a mystery. It does not appears to be the core of the present District Commissioner’s residence. It is likely that it was the old house that was opposite the African Lakes Corporation manager’s house next to Mandala Stores. This was a large BSACo style house that was the Doctor’s House in the 1940s and 1950s. This postion also roughly corresponds with a house shown on an old German Map of the border region.
Abercorn's special style was there from the start.
European Residents in 1905 or 1906. Note Hugh Marshall first commissioner at top left and a very young Ronald Smith.
Photo and names courtesy Anita McCullough.
Claude Oldfield is second left of this group at the Native Commissioner's House in Abercorn in 1914. Photo Malcolm Alexander.
Group at the Native Commissioner's House in Abercorn in 1914
includes Claude Oldfield the NC. Photo: Malcolm Alexander.
Note the number of small children.
The Abercorn May Day Party held at Mr Gordon Lobb's farm on the Siaisi in 1914. See Articles on Abercorn for a description taken from the Northern Rhodesia Journal. vol.ii, no. 1. pages 76-79.
Abercorn residents on the rocks where the Lecheche stream exits Lake Chila. Includes Asst. Native Commissioner Weggerle, Hall and Mrs Lobb. Ronald Smith extreme right. Photo Livingstone Museum.
Front row : Hugh Marshall, Mrs Grace Blyth of Jerico Farm and Mrs Marshall.
Back row: George? Blyth and Ronald Smith on right. Photo Livingstone Museum.
1905, House Party at the home of Hugh Marshal, Magistrate and Civil Commissioner Abercorn November 11.
Front Row: Mrs C. Blyth, Mrs Marshall, Mrs A. Miller.
Back Row: Gordon Lobb, John Deacon (trader and hunter) H. Marshall, A. Miller, Native Commissioner Mporokoso, G. Weggerle, Assistant N. C.
Tea on the Tennis Ground Abercorn 4th March 1905, Mr Gibson. Mr Irvine, Dr Wareham, Mrs Wareham, Mr D. (?) Dayer, Baby W. Vereker.
From the Marshal Collection in the Livingstone Museum.
Lt Gaetz of the German Army in Tanganyika visits Abercorn.
This is the first car to visti the area and was photographed out side what looks like the African Lakes Corporation [ Mandala] Store.
Commander Spicer-Simpson RN with his men on Lake Tanganyika. "The Ice Cream War" and other histories tell the story of his extraordinary expedition to Lake Tanganyika with the Mimi and the TouTou to sink the German vessels then dominating the lake.
Extract from the Abercorn Township Council Records now in the Livingstone Museum. for burials in the Abercorn Cemetery showing First World War Casualties and other residents Photo Courtesy Peter Jones.
Extract from the Abercorn Township Council Recordsnow in the Livingstone Museum. for burials in the Abercorn Cemetery showing First World War Casualties and other residents Photo Courtesy Peter Jones.
Extract from the Abercorn Township Council's Record of the burials in Abercorn Cemetery now in the Livingstone Museum. Photo Courtesy Peter Jones.
Post and Telegraph Staff in Abercorn c1901. These men were engaged in constructing Cecil Rhodes' Cape to Cairo Telegraph project.
The Rubber Factory where the German forces were informed of the Armistice that concluded the First World War viewed from across the Chambezi.
Section of the Stevenson Road from Karonga on Lake Malawi to Katuta Bay on Lake Tanganyika. From the Marshall collection at the Livingstone Museum, courtesy Anita MacCullough.
Afternoon Tea at the stream with Mrs Leyer the wife of the Commissioner in August Abercorn in 1908/9. The best guess is that this is the Lucheche Stream and they are sitting at the point where the road bridge now crosses the Lucheche close to the outlet from Lake Chila.