The Polish Refugee Camp in Abercorn. This photo shows that the concrete memorial with Polish Eagle insignia was in the centre of a small round-about. Is this the same memorial that could be seen in the 1950s  a few yards south of the new water
 "Little Poland" Abercon
 The Chapel of the Polish Camp Abercorn. Photo: Courtesy Kresy-Siberia Foundation website.
 Camp Residents and staff Abercorn.  Courtesy Kresy- Siberia foundation  - Kwietniowski
 Polish school girls at the Abercorn Camp in their national dress. Courtesy Kresy-Siberia Foundation.
 Polish Camp residents and the Polish commandant . Courtesy Kresy-Siberia Foundation
 Polish women in the  Camp maintain Abercorn style standards! Courtesy: Kresy-Siberia Foundation.   
 The Polish Camp Community Hall. Note the chilly weather.
 Polish Camp residents the Commandant and a British official?
 The entrance to the old walled cemetery  on the side of the hill overlooking Lake Chila. In Colonial times this was reserved for European burials. Note the left hand wall appears to have been rebuilt although a bush fire run through the site.
 The old walled cemetery showing the Polish graves and the remains of those of other residents. Sadly a bush fire had swept though the site. Poto courtesy Professor Hubert Chudzio, from the Pedagogue University in Cracow Poland.
 The Polish section of the old Abercorn walled cemetery.  Courtesy: Professor Hubert Chudzio, from the Pedagogue University in Cracow Poland.  Helena Sowka named on the first headstone  in the photo died having her tonsils removed, she was given
 The Polish Eagle on the grave of a refugee. Photo courtesy of Professor Hubert Chudzio, from the Pedagogue University in Cracow Poland.
 Restored Polish Graves in the old Abercorn Cemetery.
 The upper  Eastern corner of the Old Cemetery under restoration by the Polish Team
 Digging for clay to make the bricks for the Camp buildings. Photo Mrs Anthea Bush.
 Buying thatch in 1943 for the construction of the Polish Camp. Photo Mrs Anthea Bush.
 Polish School Girls with Novices
 A Polish girl enjoys the delights of Lake Chila from the rocks at the source of the Lucheche stream. Courtesy Kresy-Siberia foundation.  See thier website in the link section.
 Lake Chila must have seemed like paradise after Siberia.
 The Switzerland of Africa.
 Polish girls playing netball
 The Polish Boy Scout Troop at the Camp in Abercorn
 The renovated Polish Eagle.   
 A Polish Camp outing to Kalambo Falls. Note the man in uniform to the right of the group and the man in a big hat who looks like an local Abercorn resident. The girl’s brothers, fathers and uncles were in North Afica or Italy fighting with the Allie
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