Consul Hugh Marshall’s first Stockaded Boma between the Stevenson Road down to Kituta Bay and the Lucheche river . This can probably be found below the Moto Moto Museum downstream from the current bridge.
The First Post Office in Abercorn Northe or Old Abercon. This was on Cemetery Hill on the Lake Chila side of the Pioneer Cemetery.
This is a remarkable early image of the buildings of Abercon North or Old Abercorn on Cemetery Hill. The Post Office is on the right.
Probably the earliest photo of Abercorn Main Road with the old 1902 T.V.M.I on the left and the old double storey African Lakes Company building behind the family group.
Abercorn Shooting Range. There was keen competition between Abercorn and Fort Jameson with the results being relayed to and fro by the new Telegraph line.
The Native Commissioner’s Dwelling Abercorn. This is something of a mystery as it does not look like the old DC’s House. Nor does it look like a house on the opposite side of the main road from the African Lakes Co. manager’s house that was an NC house and later the Doctor’s house in the 1940s and then that of the Post Master in the early 1950s.